
Newly harmonized data are generated from seven highly-comparable longitudinal studies that span up to 35 years and cross 50 clinical and health community centers funded by NIDDK, NHLBI, and NIMH: Four longitudinal randomized controlled trials (RCT) in Massachusetts, and three large-scale longitudinal multi-site national studies, an RCT and one observational study (OS) from the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI), and one OS from the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) study.
These local and national dietary data are harmonized, because: 1) all dietary intake results are averaged as daily nutrient or food intake even though the time period of data collection may vary; 2) for all diet assessment instruments, the foods and  nutrient composition of foods were obtained from the same source, the Nutrition Data System for Research (NDSR), a software program developed at the Nutrition Coordinating Center of the University of Minnesota; and 3) the 24-hour dietary recalls (24-h recall) and the CARDIA diet history utilized the NDSR food grouping system, resulting in 10 major food groups and 168 food subgroups, that can be matched with the same 122 food categories listed on the WHI food frequency questionnaires (FFQ)